Official High School Volleyball Rules and Regulations (2024)

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of high school volleyball rules and regulations!? As a beginner, it’s important to know the ins and outs of the game to avoid any embarrassing mishaps. We’ll look at the high school volleyball rules, and I will cover everything from scoring to substitutions so that you can be confident and have fun. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, this guide covers you. So, let’s dive in and get ready to bump, set, and spike our way!

Table of Contents

High School Volleyball Scoring Rules

When scoring in high school volleyball, It’s essential to remember that the high school volleyball scoring rules may vary depending on the state or league. Checking with your coach or league officials is always a good idea. Here are the basics:

  • Rally Scoring:In high school volleyball, rally scoring is used, meaning points are awarded on every serve, regardless of which team served the ball. The first team to reach 25 points and is ahead by at least two points wins the set. If the match goes to a fifth set, the first team to score 15 points and is ahead by at least two points wins the set.
  • Deciding Set:In a deciding set, the fifth set in high school volleyball, a team must win by two points, and there is no cap on the number of points scored.
  • Point Awarding:Points are awarded in various situations, including when the ball hits the ground inside the opponent’s court, when the opponent hits the ball out of bounds, or when the opponent commits a violation.
  • Side-out Scoring:In some states, side-out scoring is used, meaning a team can only score when it has served the ball. However, most states now use rally scoring.

High School Volleyball Substitution Rules

High school volleyball substitution rules state that, a team is allowed twelve substitutions per set. The libero, or defensive specialist, can substitute freely without counting toward the team’s total substitutions. The libero has certain limitations during the game. They are only allowed to replace a back-row player, and when doing so, they must enter and exit the court through the substitution zone.

Just so you know, substitutions in high school volleyball can only happen when the ball is dead, meaning when the point has ended or during a timeout. The player entering the game must wait for the player exiting to leave the court altogether before they can enter.

Additionally, the player exiting the game must use the same substitution zone they entered through. If a player tries to substitute through a different zone, it will result in a penalty point for the opposing team.

High School Volleyball Rotation Rules

The high school volleyball rotation rules dictate how players rotate positions on the court, which can affect who serves the ball and how many times they do so.

Here are the basics of high school volleyball rotation rules:

  • There are six players on the court for each team.
  • Players rotate clockwise after winning the serve or side out.
  • The player in the back right position serves the ball at the beginning of each rotation.
  • Players rotate clockwise after a successful serve. This means that the player who served will move to a different position, and the player who was in the front right position will rotate to the back right to serve next.
  • A player may not skip a rotation or switch positions with a teammate.
  • If a player rotates out of turn, they will be penalized with a point awarded to the other team.

It’s important to note that there are specific rules for liberos, who are defensive specialists allowed to substitute freely for any back-row player.

High School Volleyball Rules For Serving

When it comes to high school volleyball rules for serving, a team’s ability to serve well can significantly impact their chances of winning. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the rules of serving in high school volleyball.

Firstly, the server must stand behind the end line before serving the ball. The ball must be tossed or released from the server’s hand and struck with one hand to go over the net to the opposing team’s court.

A player can use different types of serves in high school volleyball, including the underhand serve and the overhand serve. The underhand serve involves striking the ball with the player’s hand below their waist. In contrast, the overhand serve involves striking the ball with the player’s hand above their head.

The server cannot step on or over the end line until after the ball has been struck. If the server steps over the line before the ball is hit, it’s considered a foot fault, resulting in a point for the opposing team.

Moreover, if the ball touches the net while being served and lands on the opposing team’s court, it’s considered a live ball, and the game continues. However, if the ball hits the net and fails to cross over to the opposing team’s court, it’s considered a fault and results in a point for the opposing team.

High School Volleyball Hitting Rules

High school volleyball has strict regulations on how you can hit the ball. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Contacting the ball:When hitting it, you can only make contact with it once, using any part of your body from the waist up, including arms, hands, head, and torso.
  2. Attacking from the back row:Only back-row players can’t jump and hit the ball in front of the attack line. They can, however, jump and hit the ball behind the attack line or from behind the ten-foot line.
  3. Blocking:Players in the front row can block an opponent’s hit, but the block doesn’t count as one of their three allowed hits. If a player blocks the ball and then touches it again, it’s considered a hit, and they cannot touch it again.
  4. Net violations:Players mustn’t touch the net while the ball is in play and cannot reach over the net to touch the ball on the opponent’s side. However, players can reach over the net if the ball is entirely on their side of the court.
  5. Back row attacks:If a back-row player jumps to hit the ball but doesn’t contact it, they can still land in front of the attack line without violating any rules.

High School Volleyball Team Rules And Expectations

Being a part of a high school volleyball team is about more than just playing the game. It’s also about representing your school and being a part of a team that works together towards a common goal. Here are some rules and expectations thathigh school volleyball teamstypically have:

  1. Attendance:Attending all practices and games is crucial for team success. Coaches expect their players to show up on time and be ready to work hard.
  2. Attitude:Players are expected to have a positive attitude on and off the court. A positive attitude helps build team morale and can even influence the outcome of games.
  3. Communication:Communication is key in volleyball. Players should communicate with each other during games and practices, whether it’s to call out plays or offer encouragement.
  4. Sportsmanship:High school volleyball players are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship. This means respecting opponents, officials, and teammates, win or lose.
  5. Work Ethic:Volleyball is a physically and mentally demanding sport, and players are expected to work hard during practices and games. This includes staying focused, putting in maximum effort, and striving to improve.
  6. Academic Performance:Being a student-athlete means that academics should be a top priority. Coaches expect their players to maintain good grades and show dedication to their studies.

Time Outs in High School Volleyball

Time outs in high school volleyball can be a valuable tool for any team. Still, they must be used strategically and wisely. Coaches and players must communicate effectively to maximize their time outs and come out on top. Each team is allowed a specific number of time outs per set to use strategically throughout the game. Here’s all the information you need to know!

How many time outs are allowed per set?

Both teams are given two timeouts per set. These timeouts can be taken at any time during the set and can be called by either the coach or the players on the court.

How long are time outs?

In high school volleyball, time outs are 30 seconds each. The coach or player must request the time out from the official, and once granted, the team has 30 seconds to regroup and discuss strategy.

Can time outs be carried over between sets?

No, unused time outs from one set cannot be carried over to the next. Each set begins with two time outs for each team, regardless of how many time outs were used in the previous set.

Can time outs be used for any reason?

Yes, time outs can be used for any reason, whether to regroup after a long rally, adjust the team’s strategy, or give the players a moment to catch their breath.

Can the opposing team call a time out?

Only the team with possession of the ball can call a time out in high school volleyball. However, if the opposing team notices a problem with the court or equipment, they can request a time out to address the issue.

Faults and Violations in High School Volleyball

Some rules must be followed in any sport to ensure fair play and safety. Volleyball is no exception. Knowing the faults and violations in high school volleyball is essential to avoid penalties and maintain the integrity of the game.

Illegal Contacts

An illegal contact occurs when a player touches the ball with any part of their body below the waist or when the ball rests on any part of the body. it is considered an illegal hit or a “lift” in high school volleyball. The opposing team will be awarded the point and serve in such instances.

Double Hits

A double hit occurs when a player contacts the ball twice consecutively with their hands, arms, or other body parts. This is not allowed unless the first contact was a block. A double hit will result in the opposing team receiving the point and serve.

Foot Faults

Foot faults occur when a player steps on or over the centerline or touches the end line while serving. A foot fault results in the opposing team receiving the point and serve.

Net Violations

A net violation occurs when a player touches the net during play or interferes with the net in any way. This can result in a point and serve for the opposing team.

Illegal Substitutions

Illegal substitutions occur when a player enters the game without permission or does not follow the proper substitution procedure. This results in a point and serve for the opposing team.

Back-Row Attacks

Back-row attacks occur when a player in the back row jumps and attacks the ball in front of the 10-foot line. This is not allowed and results in the opposing team receiving the point and serve.

Other High School Volleyball Rules

When it comes to high school volleyball, there are several other rules that players and coaches should be aware of. These include net rules, ball size regulations, uniform rules, and time limits.

High School Volleyball Net Rules

Thenet’s heightin high school volleyball is 7 feet, 4 1/8 inches for girls’ teams, and 7 feet, 11 5/8 inches for boys’ teams. The net should be made of mesh or other suitable material, with a minimum mesh size of 3 1/2 inches. It must be securely fastened to poles or other upright supports and should be marked with centerline and sideline markers.

High School Volleyball Ball Size

High school volleyball regulations require a ball with a 65-67 cm circumference and a weight of 260-280 grams. The ball must be made of leather or other suitable material and inflated to a pressure of 0.30-0.325 kg/cm2. Before the start of the match, the ball must be inspected and approved by the game officials.

High School Volleyball Uniform Rules

High school volleyball uniform regulations require that all players on the same team wear the same uniform color and style, top and bottom. The uniforms must be of a solid color and have no more than one visible manufacturer’s logo or trademark. Players are also required to wear athletic shoes that have non-marking soles.

Time Limits in High School Volleyball

Each set in high school volleyball is played to 25 points, and the team that wins three sets wins the match. Teams are allowed two timeouts per set, each lasting 60 seconds. If necessary, there is also a 10-minute break between the second and third sets and a five-minute break between the first and second sets and the fourth and fifth sets.


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High School Volleyball Scoring Rules

In high school volleyball, rally scoring is used, which means that points are awarded on every serve, regardless of which team served the ball. The first team to reach 25 points and is ahead by at least two points wins the set. If the match goes to a fifth set, the first team to score 15 points and is ahead by at least two points wins the set [[1]].

High School Volleyball Substitution Rules

High school volleyball allows for twelve substitutions per set. The libero, or defensive specialist, can substitute freely without counting toward the team's total substitutions. The libero has certain limitations during the game, such as only being allowed to replace a back-row player and having to enter and exit the court through the substitution zone. Substitutions can only happen when the ball is dead, meaning when the point has ended or during a timeout. The player entering the game must wait for the player exiting to leave the court altogether before they can enter. If a player tries to substitute through a different zone, it will result in a penalty point for the opposing team [[2]].

High School Volleyball Rotation Rules

In high school volleyball, players rotate positions on the court, which can affect who serves the ball and how many times they do so. There are six players on the court for each team, and players rotate clockwise after winning the serve or side out. The player in the back right position serves the ball at the beginning of each rotation. Players rotate clockwise after a successful serve. A player may not skip a rotation or switch positions with a teammate. If a player rotates out of turn, they will be penalized with a point awarded to the other team. Liberos, who are defensive specialists, are allowed to substitute freely for any back-row player [[3]].

High School Volleyball Rules For Serving

In high school volleyball, the server must stand behind the end line before serving the ball. The ball must be tossed or released from the server's hand and struck with one hand to go over the net to the opposing team's court. There are different types of serves in high school volleyball, including the underhand serve and the overhand serve. The server cannot step on or over the end line until after the ball has been struck. If the server steps over the line before the ball is hit, it's considered a foot fault, resulting in a point for the opposing team. If the ball touches the net while being served and lands on the opposing team's court, it's considered a live ball, and the game continues. However, if the ball hits the net and fails to cross over to the opposing team's court, it's considered a fault and results in a point for the opposing team [[4]].

High School Volleyball Hitting Rules

In high school volleyball, players can only make contact with the ball once using any part of their body from the waist up, including arms, hands, head, and torso. Only back-row players can't jump and hit the ball in front of the attack line. They can, however, jump and hit the ball behind the attack line or from behind the ten-foot line. Players in the front row can block an opponent's hit, but the block doesn't count as one of their three allowed hits. If a player blocks the ball and then touches it again, it's considered a hit, and they cannot touch it again. Players mustn't touch the net while the ball is in play and cannot reach over the net to touch the ball on the opponent's side. However, players can reach over the net if the ball is entirely on their side of the court. If a back-row player jumps to hit the ball but doesn't contact it, they can still land in front of the attack line without violating any rules [[5]].

High School Volleyball Team Rules And Expectations

Being a part of a high school volleyball team is about more than just playing the game. It's also about representing your school and being a part of a team that works together towards a common goal. Some common rules and expectations for high school volleyball teams include attending all practices and games, having a positive attitude on and off the court, effective communication, exhibiting good sportsmanship, maintaining a strong work ethic, prioritizing academic performance, and following team uniform regulations [[6]].

Time Outs in High School Volleyball

Each team is allowed two timeouts per set in high school volleyball. These timeouts can be taken at any time during the set and can be called by either the coach or the players on the court. Timeouts in high school volleyball are 30 seconds each. Unused timeouts from one set cannot be carried over to the next. Timeouts can be used for any reason, whether to regroup after a long rally, adjust the team's strategy, or give the players a moment to catch their breath. Only the team with possession of the ball can call a timeout, but the opposing team can request a timeout to address any court or equipment issues [[7]].

Faults and Violations in High School Volleyball

There are several faults and violations in high school volleyball that players should be aware of to avoid penalties and maintain fair play. Some examples include illegal contacts, double hits, foot faults, net violations, illegal substitutions, and back-row attacks. These violations can result in the opposing team receiving the point and serve [[8]].

Other High School Volleyball Rules

In addition to the rules mentioned above, there are several other rules in high school volleyball that players and coaches should be aware of. These include net rules, ball size regulations, uniform rules, and time limits. The net's height in high school volleyball is 7 feet, 4 1/8 inches for girls' teams and 7 feet, 11 5/8 inches for boys' teams. The ball size must meet specific circumference and weight requirements. Uniforms must adhere to color and style regulations, and time limits are in place for each set and between sets [[9]].

Official High School Volleyball Rules and Regulations (2024)


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