15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (2024)

Quick Learn

By Salim Prajapati / 25 December 2023 12:55 PM

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (3)

In the intricate dance of basketball, referees play a pivotal role, ensuring fair play and maintaining order on the court.

From the shrill of the whistle to the pointed direction of a finger, each gesture carries a specific meaning, a silent conversation between official and player that shapes the narrative of the match.

Understanding the language of their signals is crucial for players, coaches, and fans alike. These signals are the silent orchestrators of the game, conveying decisions with precision and authority.

In this guide, we will unravel the mystique behind some basketball referee signals, shedding light on the nuanced gestures that dictate the ebb and flow of the game.

1. Traveling

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (4)

When a player illegally moves one or both of their feet without dribbling the ball, they commit a traveling violation.

This means that the player has taken steps without properly establishing a pivot foot, leading to an unfair advantage. The referee will indicate this infraction by crossing both arms in front of their face and making a circular motion with them, signaling to all participants that the traveling violation has occurred.

A shuffle of the feet prompts the referee's "traveling" signal, highlighting a player's illegal movement without dribbling.

2. Illegal or double dribble

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (5)

When a player dribbles the ball, stops, and then resumes dribbling, it constitutes a double dribble, a violation of the game's fundamental rules.

Referees convey this infraction by placing both hands, one atop the other, and rotating their wrists in a rolling motion.

This signal reinforces the importance of continuous and controlled ball handling, discouraging players from gaining an unfair advantage by restarting their dribble after coming to a stop.

3. Carrying Violation

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The carrying violation, also known as palming, occurs when a player momentarily cradles or scoops the ball while dribbling.

To signal this infraction, referees use an unmistakable motion, extending one hand with the palm facing down and moving it in a horizontal scooping motion across their body.

This visual cue communicates to players, coaches, and spectators that the player in possession of the ball has violated the rules by failing to maintain proper dribbling technique.

4. Three-Second Violation

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In basketball, offensive players are prohibited from remaining in the key or paint area for more than three seconds at a time.

Referees signal this infraction by raising one hand with three fingers extended, making it clear that an offensive player has overstayed their welcome in the key.

This violation aims to prevent teams from gaining an unfair advantage by clogging the paint, reinforcing the importance of player movement and fair play. The three-second violation signal serves as a reminder to maintain the dynamic nature of the game.

5. 5-Second Violation

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (8)

Spotting a 5-second violation in basketball relies on two key referee signals: the "five-finger fist" and the "countdown."

When an offensive player receives the ball and is closely guarded below the free throw line, the ref raises a closed fist with five fingers extended. As the player holds the ball, the ref starts counting down by folding fingers, starting with the thumb.

If all five fingers disappear before the player passes, shoots, or dribbles toward the basket, the ref blows the whistle and signals the violation with a "five-finger fan" gesture, awarding the ball to the defense.

6. 8-Second Violation

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When an offensive team stalls in their backcourt, the ref whips out their arms for the 8-second violation signal.

Imagine scissors crossed at the wrists, palms facing outwards. Each second, the ref lowers one hand, reaching palm down at the eight-second mark.

If the ball doesn't cross half court by then, it's a turnover! Watch for the countdown and a firm whistle, followed by the ref pointing the ball to the opposing team at the midcourt line for the inbound.

7. 24-Second Shot Clock Violation

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The shot clock plays a vital role in contemporary basketball, introducing a sense of urgency to offensive strategies.

If a team does not take a shot within the designated 24 seconds, the referee indicates a shot clock violation by raising one hand and tapping the corresponding wrist with the other.

This straightforward signal informs players, coaches, and onlookers that the offensive team has surpassed the time limit, leading to a turnover.

8. Backcourt Violation (Over-and-Back)

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The Over-and-Back violation, signaled by a referee raising both arms with fists clenched above their head, occurs when a player with the ball in their hands travels beyond the half-court line and then back into the frontcourt without dribbling the ball.

Imagine an hourglass shape with the half-court line as the middle horizontal line. Crossing that line and re-entering the same half without a dribble is like sand slipping through the bottom half, resulting in this violation.

This signal, clear and distinct, ensures both players and spectators recognize the infringement, keeping the game flowing smoothly.

9. Jump Ball

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A jump ball is a method of restarting play in basketball when the ball is held by two opposing players at the same time, or when a violation occurs that does not warrant awarding the ball to either team.

The umpire will signal a jump ball by raising both hands above their head, with the palms facing each other. They will then form a fist with each hand and slam them together, once for each team that is entitled to a player in the jump ball.

The jump ball is held at the center of the court, where the two players involved in the violation stand facing each other. The referee throws the ball straight up in the air, between the two players.

10. Substitution

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To signal a substitution, a basketball referee makes an "X" with their arms crossed high across their chest. This universally understood symbol tells both teams and the scorer's table that a player is coming out and another is entering the game.

The substitution can only take place during a dead ball, meaning the clock is stopped and the ball is not in play.

Once the referee signals the substitution, the outgoing player must report to the scorer's table and the incoming player must check in at the same table before entering the court.

11. Timeout

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A timeout in basketball is a brief pause in the game, typically requested by a coach to strategize with their team or make substitutions.

There are two main types of timeouts: team timeouts and charged timeouts. Each team is allotted seven team timeouts per game, which can be used at any time during the game.

The referee calls Charged timeouts when a team commits a foul with less than one minute remaining in the game or overtime.

To signal for a timeout, the coach or player will raise their arms in a "T" shape and call for a timeout. The referee will then acknowledge the timeout by raising their own arms in a "T" shape and pointing to the scorer's table. The clock will be stopped and the game will be paused.

12. Kicking

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When a player intentionally kicks the ball in basketball, the referee blows their whistle and makes a clear signal to indicate the violation.

This involves simply raising one foot off the ground, and pointing it towards the offending player. It is a straightforward gesture that instantly informs everyone on the court and spectators of the infraction.

This kicking signal is distinct from other hand signals used for fouls or violations, ensuring clarity and efficient communication during the fast-paced game. Remember, kicking is a violation, not a foul, so no free throws are awarded. The ball is simply awarded to the other team out of bounds.

13. Hand Check Foul

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Detecting a hand check violation demands a discerning eye, as the official communicates subtly through gestures.

Be vigilant for any prolonged contact of the palm with the offensive player, particularly in the vicinity of the torso or arms. The referee signals the infraction with a raised index finger directed at the defender, often accompanied by a swift downward motion, mimicking the prohibited hand placement.

If the foul significantly hinders the player's movement or momentum, anticipate a more pronounced whistle and possibly an outstretched arm pointing towards the free-throw line, denoting shooting fouls.

It is crucial to recognize sustained, illicit hand contact that restricts the offensive player's freedom on the court.

14. Charging Foul

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A charging foul in basketball occurs when an offensive player initiates contact with a stationary defensive player who has already established a legal guarding position in the restricted area.

It is essentially an offensive foul where the attacker runs into the defender, not the other way around.

To indicate a charging violation, the referee will form a fist with one hand and then strike the open palm of the other hand in a punching motion.

This hand signal indicates that the offensive player was the one responsible for the illegal contact.

15. Blocking Foul

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A blocking foul in basketball occurs when a defensive player illegally hinders an offensive player's progress with their body, preventing a shot or layup attempt.

To indicate this, the official will make a gesture with both hands clenched into fists, placed firmly on their hips with elbows tucked in tight.

This visual signal lets players and spectators know that the offensive player was unfairly impeded, and free throws or other penalties may be awarded.

Remember, a blocking foul differs from a charging foul, where the offensive player initiates contact with a legally positioned defender.

16. Technical foul

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When a basketball player is charged with a technical foul, the referee extends their arms to create a giant T shape with their palms turned outward.

This widely understood signal indicates unsportsmanlike behavior, such as disputing calls with referees, teasing opponents, or causing unnecessary delays in the game.

The consequence of this infraction is a single free throw for the opposing team and possession of the ball. Technical fouls contribute to a player's overall foul count and, if accumulated excessively, may result in disqualification.

Therefore, it is crucial to maintain composure on the court to avoid encountering the ominous T gesture.

17. No Basket

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (20)

The "No Basket" signal in basketball is a swift, decisive gesture used by referees to indicate a shot attempt unsuccessfully reaching the net.

The official will signal that the shot does not count by waving their arms and then crossing them out in front of them, indicating a clear indication to the players and spectators.

Depending on the situation, the referee might also point to the offending team or explain the reason for the call, like an offensive foul or a ball going out of bounds.

18. Start clock

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In basketball, numerous instances occur when the game pauses and the clock ceases to run. Resumption only happens when a player on the court comes into contact with the ball.

Rather than relying on the timekeeper's discretion to halt the clock, the process involves waiting for a referee signal to initiate the clock. The referee keeps their hand raised until the appropriate moment, at which point they lower their arm, signaling the resumption of time.

19. Three point score

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In basketball, a three-point score is signaled by the referee using distinct hand signals to communicate with players, coaches, and spectators.

When a player successfully makes a shot from beyond the three-point arc, the referee raises one arm straight up, forming an "L" shape with the forearm and upper arm.

The raised arm serves as a visual cue to indicate that the basket is worth three points. This signal helps everyone on the court and in the audience quickly recognize the scoring action and understand the point value assigned to the shot.

20. Holding Foul

15+ Basketball Referee Signals With Pictures (23)

In basketball, it is prohibited to seize an opponent by their jersey or any body part.

If such an action occurs, it results in a holding foul being called. The referee indicates a holding foul by forming a fist with one hand, extending that arm, and mimicking a "grabbing" motion with their other hand on the wrist.

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How many hand signals are in a basketball pdf? ›

The document outlines 59 official hand signals used by basketball referees to communicate rulings and calls during games. The signals are divided into 6 categories: 1) scoring, 2) clock-related, 3) administrative, 4) types of violations, 5) reporting fouls to the scorer's table, and 6) free throw administration.

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THREE-POINTS. SUCCESSFUL SHOT. Three fingers. (extended) on each. hand.

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Raise both arms, elbows bent, palms facing forward. Then indicate player who committed the fault.

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There are nine informational signals that are used during a basketball game.

What is an illegal dribble in basketball? ›

A player may not dribble a second time after he has voluntarily ended his first dribble. A player who is dribbling may not put any part of his hand under the ball and (1) carry it from one point to another or (2) bring it to a pause and then continue to dribble again.

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In basketball, when a held ball occurs, an official will jerk both thumbs in the air, signalling that a jump ball is in order. In baseball, umpires will sometimes jerk a thumbs-up over their shoulder as an "out" signal.

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three-pointer: A shot from behind the three-point line, i.e. from “behind the arc” or “from downtown.” Three-pointers are also called threes, treys, and triples.

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You may have a jammed finger. Even though the ball might have hit the tip of your finger, the injury actually occurs in the knuckle because that's where the brunt of the trauma is absorbed. A jammed finger is swollen, hard to bend and somewhat painful. It is a common basketball injury.

What is charging foul in basketball? ›

Charging Foul

An offensive foul consisting of illegal personal contact by pushing or moving into an. opponent's torso. This usually happens when an offensive player drives to the basket. and “runs over” a defensive player. If a basket is made on a “charging” call, the basket will not count.

What does a fist mean in basketball? ›

In basketball, you are not allowed to grab another player by the jersey or any of their body parts. If this happens, a holding foul is called. The ref's signal for a holding foul is making a fist point with one hand, holding that arm out, and then "grabbing" the wrist with their other hand.

What is pushing foul in basketball? ›

Pushing Foul – A “Pushing Foul” occurs when a defender pushes an offensive player or bumps into the body of an offensive player. Page 2. Illegal Use of Hands Foul – This is a foul called when a defender slaps, hacks, or smacks an offensive player with the ball.

What is a blocking foul? ›

A blocking foul happens when a defensive player uses their body to prevent another player from moving, and it goes hand-in-hand with charging fouls. (More on charging, here).

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The scorer shall sound the horn to indicate a substitution. The horn does not have to be sounded if the substitution occurs between periods or during timeouts. The substitute shall remain in the vicinity of the 8' Substitution Box until he is beckoned onto the court by an official.

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There are three main hand signals that every motorist and cyclist should become familiar with: Left turn, right turn, and slowing down/stopping.

How many hands can you use in basketball? ›

Why are you not allowed to dribble the ball with both hands in basketball? It is called double dribble. The reason I think they made that rule years ago was to take away an advantage from players who were very quick at it. This more or less was to challenge a player to only use one hand.

How many hand signals are there in ASL? ›

In a general overview, signed language is a technique used for communicational purposes by deaf people.

How many numbers are there in basketball? ›

American basketball leagues at all levels traditionally use single and double digits from 0 to 5 (i.e. 0, 00, 1–5, 10–15, 20–25, 30–35, 40–45, and 50–55).


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