The Ultimate 5-Day Glute Workout Plan For Perfect Round Booty (2024)

Muscle development is very important to stay fit, active, and strong for long: with a strong muscular body, you can even defy the much-dreaded aging signs and symptoms. But, that's not all! Some exercises can bring that flat and dead “booty” to life that you are always so shy about. Jeans will look awesome, and so will your fine-cut dresses, but you will have to work hard for them!

Have you heard the saying "good things don't come easy"? Well, it can't be any truer when it comes to achieving the perfect-looking butt cheeks!

But guess what? We have designed the perfect five-day glute workout that is sure to get you the awesome-looking butt you have always dreamed of.

A glute workout is not just about looking good; a lot more is at stake here. Sitting for long can damage your gluteal muscles - the largest network in the body, leading to loss of muscle mass in the long run. Staying active and regular workout can save you from the imminent dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.

Gluteal muscles are important for mobility, balance, stability, and joint health in the lower body. If they are weak, you will have issues moving about, picking things, climbing stairs or hills, etc. Glutes are central to the entire movement system in the human body, and they can ruin your fitness dreams if things go wrong with them. So workout before it's too late.

Feel the urge to know which workouts will be best suited? Well, get a coffee and read till the end: we will tell you which moves are best for you and why.

Why is Glute Workout Important?

The Ultimate 5-Day Glute Workout Plan For Perfect Round Booty (1)

Did you know that the glutes form the largest muscle in your body? And that they connect to several other muscles and impact many important activities like walking, running, jumping, climbing, sitting, standing, etc.? Glutes are engaged in our daily life activities all day.

Glutes are the primary mobilizers of the hip and thigh joints. They affect all activities that require our legs and lower back. So strong glutes simply mean strong legs. They are crucial for our functional strength.

The worrying part is that most of us live sedentary lives, and there is not enough activity in our routines to engage glutes effectively. This is especially true for those of us who are doing desk jobs. If our gluteal muscles are inactive for too long, they become weak, and that's no good news for your legs, knees, and all of the waist-down.

In the worst-case scenario, weak or inactive glutes will lead to joint stress, mobility issues, gluteal amnesia, or muscle atrophy. Keeping active and engaging glutes is essential to keep them strong, toned, and sturdy.

And, of course, strong glutes give you a sturdy, bumpy bum (no one wants to have a straight back). And they look attractive!

There is only one way to strengthen your glutes: isolated glutes workout. Strong gluteal muscles also mean round butt cheeks that no one can ignore.

However important a workout routine may be, eating well and staying active in general can never be ignored when the discussion turns to strong muscles.

Related Article: 6 Best Leg Exercises That Will Get You in Shape Fast

Glute Workout Plan Summary

Main Goal

Build Muscle

Workout Type


Training Level


Program Duration

6 Weeks

Days Per Week


Time Per Workout

45 Minutes

Equipment Required

Bands, Barbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells, Other

Target Gender


Recommended Supplements

Whey Protein Powder

Creatine Powder

Intra-Workout Supplement

5 day Workout plan – Beginner

  • Monday: Workout 1
  • Tuesday: Accessory Workout 1
  • Wednesday: Workout 2
  • Thursday: Accessory Workout 2
  • Friday: Workout 3
  • Saturday: Off
  • Sunday: Off

Full-Body Workout 1





Barbell Hip Thrust



60-90 sec




60-90 sec

Dumbbell Squat



60 sec

Lying Leg Raise



60 sec

Jump Squat



60 sec

Dumbbell Step Up



60 sec

Walking Lunge



60 sec

Dumbbell Lunge



60 sec

Hip Dips



60 sec


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Full-Body Workout 2





Good Morning



60-90 sec

Glute Kick Back



60-90 sec

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift



60-90 sec

Goblet Squat



60 sec

Back Extension



60 sec

Barbell Glute Bridge



60 sec




60 sec

Barbell Squat



60 sec

Jump Squat



60 sec

Glute Cable Kickback



60 sec

Full-Body Workout 3





Barbell Glute Bridge


15-30 sec

60-90 sec

Curtsy Lunge



60-90 sec

Jump Squat



60 sec

Walking Lunge


12, each leg

60 sec

Goblet Squat



60 sec

Romanian Deadlift



60 sec

Smith Machine Sumo Squat



60 sec

Bodyweight Hip Thrust



60 sec

Lying Leg Raise



60 sec

Single Leg Deadlift



60 sec

Related Article:

Accessory Workout 1





Barbell Glute Bridge



30 sec

Bodyweight Hip Thrust


100 total reps

As needed*

The accessory workouts are optional, and they are simple repetitions of the exercises explained earlier. You can do them on your free days if you feel the need.

It's totally fine if you choose to skip them altogether because your muscles must recover before you hit the gym again.

Accessory Workout 2





Curtsy Lunge




Good Morning



30 sec

Optional workout: It's a short rep of the earlier moves. Flex your muscles a little if you think it necessary. Otherwise, a three-day full workout plan is best for better and harder muscle engagement. Let your muscles gather strength and recover in between the exhaustion days.

Related Article: Train Your Booty to Stardom!

Key Features of the Workout Plan

For those of us who are living lazy, inactive lives, a glutes workout is a must. You may need it to be part of your weekly workout, even as a fitness freak, because some muscles need more attention than others, and a general plan may not work for them.

This workout plan specifically helps strengthen your glutes muscles and sculpt them too. You feel great, and you look awesome and that's all one can ask for!

Some outstanding features of this workout plan are explained in detail below to understand the regimen better.

Recovery Period

Getting tired after workouts are very normal. There is no need to feel embarrassed just to pretend you are stronger than yourself. Your muscles are torn and damaged after a stressful hit, and you need to help them recover.

Recovery is a crucial part of the muscle-building process. Without proper recovery after a ripping session, you might just be causing more damage than doing benefits. All workouts tire the body out and cause minor damage to muscle cells. The fatigue levels increase inflammation, and hormones go haywire.

Unless you let your body rest and soak in the advantages of the workout, you will not gain anything from the hard work in the gym. So a rest day between full-body workout sessions is a must. You also need to keep yourself hydrated, take lots of protein and sleep well for complete recovery.

This workout puts out a three-day activity only. The rest of the week is about resting and letting the muscles recover and getting ready to rip again. This glutes workout plans to tax the leg muscles heavily, and it's very important that you let them recover fully before starting again, or your efforts will be fruitless.

Interesting and Engaging

This plan is entirely glutes-centric: it engages the gluteal muscles primarily.

It's an amazing glutes workout plan that gives you a wide variety of exercises to target your glutes which help keep your interest alive.

You do not get bored repeating the same old exercises weeks after weeks. There are three workouts in a week on three days, and every day, you will be doing different exercises (except a couple of repetitions).

This variety and intensity of the workout allow you to target and engage your glutes with a lot more zeal, passion, and strength.


Basic gym equipment is enough for this plan: no need to buy new stuff or worry about heavy machines in the gym. It's versatile: you can do most exercises without improvising because they are all simple and basic.

Accessory Workouts

This plan is solely about the three-day glute workout, but two accessory plans are to be performed on off days in between. These are short plans because you would have worked your glutes a day before, and there is no need to overdo them.

Skip the accessory workout altogether if you think your glutes had a good hit with the workout a day before.

You can choose one to go with or alternate the two. Listen to your body, make a personal plan with your choices, build strong glutes, and maximize your body potential.

Note: Do not overdo this workout: you must have two consecutive days off every week to allow ample recovery time for your body.


It's important to tone our gluteal muscles for two reasons: to stay fit and active and slay the modern look! Isolated training and physical activity are necessary to tone our gluteal muscles, so be on your feet most of the time. Spend time walking, running, or even doing your common house chores to keep your glutes working. For a stronger dose of training, choose a proper weekly workout. Sculpt and strengthen your glutes with time-tested moves explained in the article. You can add resistance accessories like resistance bands, weights, etc.

Article Sources

  • Brand, Richard A. ‘Joint Contact Stress’. The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, vol. 25, 2005, pp. 82–94. PubMed Central,
  • Buckthorpe, Matthew, et al. ‘ASSESSING AND TREATING GLUTEUS MAXIMUS WEAKNESS – A CLINICAL COMMENTARY’. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, vol. 14, no. 4, July 2019, pp. 655–69. PubMed Central,
  • Gianoudis, J., et al. ‘Associations between Sedentary Behaviour and Body Composition, Muscle Function and Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Older Adults’. Osteoporosis International: A Journal Established as Result of Cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA, vol. 26, no. 2, Feb. 2015, pp. 571–79. PubMed,
  • Mishra, Nalini, et al. ‘Exercise beyond Menopause: Dos and Don′ts’. Journal of Mid-Life Health, vol. 2, no. 2, 2011, p. 51. (Crossref),

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Muscle Development and Glute Workouts

Muscle development is crucial for maintaining fitness, strength, and overall health. Specifically, gluteal muscles play a significant role in mobility, balance, and overall lower body function. Engaging in glute workouts is essential for strengthening these muscles and preventing issues related to a sedentary lifestyle.

Importance of Glute Workouts:

  • Gluteal muscles are the largest in the body and are involved in various daily activities such as walking, running, and sitting [[1]].
  • Weak or inactive glutes can lead to mobility issues, joint stress, and muscle atrophy [[1]].
  • Glute workouts are essential for maintaining strong, toned, and sturdy gluteal muscles [[1]].

Glute Workout Plan Summary:

  • The glute workout plan is designed to build muscle and is suitable for beginners.
  • The program duration is 6 weeks, with 5 days of workouts per week, each lasting approximately 45 minutes.
  • Equipment required includes bands, barbells, bodyweight, dumbbells, and other basic gym tools.
  • The plan includes specific exercises for each day, targeting the glutes and lower body.

Key Features of the Workout Plan:

  • The plan emphasizes the importance of recovery periods to allow muscles to fully recover and benefit from the workout.
  • It offers a variety of exercises to keep the workout engaging and effective.
  • The plan is versatile and can be performed with basic gym equipment.
  • Optional accessory workouts are provided for off days, allowing for flexibility in the workout schedule.

In conclusion, engaging in a glute workout plan is essential for maintaining strong and functional gluteal muscles, which contribute to overall fitness and mobility.

I hope this information provides a comprehensive understanding of the concepts related to muscle development and glute workouts. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

The Ultimate 5-Day Glute Workout Plan For Perfect Round Booty (2024)


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