Pitch Perfect: 35 Softball Pitching Tips to Revolutionize Your Game (2024)

Last updated on August 2, 2023

When it comes to the thrilling world of softball, you know that pitching is at the core of the game. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, mastering this skill is essential. In softball, pitching isn’t just about throwing a ball; it’s a unique blend of power, precision, and strategy, and understanding its nuances can lead you to success on the mound. In this blog post, we’ll delve into some essential pitching tips for softball, aimed at helping you elevate your game to the next level. From mechanics to mindset, these tips are for you, the player eager to make your mark on the field.

Softball pitching is an art, and like any art, it requires practice, dedication, and the right guidance. You might be aiming to improve your curveball, enhance your control, or even learn the basics. No matter your goals or experience level, the 35 pitching tips in this post are designed with you in mind. They’re here to guide you, challenge you, and ultimately, help you succeed in the game you love. So grab your glove and let’s get started on this journey towards becoming a more confident, skilled, and effective pitcher.


  • 1 Pro Tips for Softball Pitching
    • 1.1 Technical Skills and Mechanics:
    • 1.2 Physical Conditioning and Health:
    • 1.3 Mental and Emotional Aspects:
    • 1.4 Game Strategy and Intelligence:
    • 1.5 Team Dynamics and Relationships:
    • 1.6 Preparation and Routine:
  • 2 Practice Makes Perfect
  • 3 Conclusion

Pro Tips for Softball Pitching

Technical Skills and Mechanics:

  • Perfect Your Grip: Understand the various grips used for different pitches, including the fastball, changeup, and curveball. Work with your coach to find the grip that’s most comfortable and effective for you.
  • Focus on the Fundamentals: Make sure you master the essential mechanics of pitching, like windup, release, and follow-through. Regularly practicing the fundamentals will lay a strong foundation.
  • Use a Consistent Stride Length: Finding a consistent stride length will help you control your pitches better. It’ll ensure that your body is aligned correctly when you throw, improving your accuracy.
  • Emphasize Follow-Through: Proper follow-through can help in avoiding unnecessary stress on your arm and shoulder. It’s a crucial part of the pitching motion that requires attention.
  • Work on Different Pitches: Don’t become predictable. Master different types of pitches so that you can keep hitters guessing.
  • Master Pitch Location: Work on pinpointing your pitches to different parts of the strike zone. Location can often be more important than sheer speed.
  • Work on Your Spin: The way you spin the ball can drastically affect its path. Spend time refining your wrist and finger actions to improve the spin on different pitches.
  • Use Video Analysis: Utilize video analysis to break down your mechanics and identify areas for improvement. This technology provides valuable insights that can guide your development.
Pitch Perfect: 35 Softball Pitching Tips to Revolutionize Your Game (1)

Physical Conditioning and Health:

  • Develop a Strong Core: Core strength is vital for a pitcher’s power and stability. Include core exercises in your training routine to enhance your overall performance.
  • Warm Up Properly: Give yourself enough time to properly warm up before practices and games. This helps in preventing injuries and prepares your body for the physical demands of pitching.
  • Use Your Legs: Your legs generate a lot of the power in your pitch. Focus on utilizing your legs properly in your pitching mechanics.
  • Involve Your Entire Body: Pitching isn’t just about your arm and legs; it’s a full-body movement. Engage your hips and torso in your motion to add power and control to your pitches.
  • Invest Time in Conditioning: A well-rounded conditioning program that includes strength training, agility drills, and endurance exercises will contribute to your overall success on the mound.
  • Recover Properly: Your post-game recovery is as important as your preparation. Incorporate stretching, icing, and proper nutrition to help your body recover and stay healthy.
  • Prioritize Your Health: Regular check-ups, massages, or physiotherapy sessions can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems. Listen to your body, and take proactive steps to maintain your physical health.
  • Maintain Your Equipment: Regularly check and maintain your equipment. A well-cared-for glove, properly fitting shoes, and other well-maintained equipment can positively impact your game.

Mental and Emotional Aspects:

  • Implement a Mental Routine: Develop a mental routine to help you focus and stay calm under pressure. This might include deep breathing, visualization, or repeating a personal mantra.
  • Stay Positive and Resilient: Pitching can be a demanding and high-pressure role. Cultivate a positive attitude and resilience to bounce back from tough outings. Always work on self-improvement and enjoy the process of learning and growing.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your development into achievable goals. This can help keep you focused and motivated, and allow you to measure your progress effectively.
  • Avoid Overthinking: While pitching is complex, overthinking can hinder your performance. Trust your training and instincts, and try to maintain a clear and focused mind on the mound.
  • Manage Your Emotions: Staying composed in the heat of a game is vital. Work on emotional control techniques to maintain your cool and focus, even when things aren’t going your way.
  • Embrace the Journey: Understand that becoming a great pitcher is a journey filled with ups and downs. Embrace the process, learn from each experience, and remember to enjoy the game.

Game Strategy and Intelligence:

  • Communicate with Your Catcher: Develop good communication with your catcher, both verbally and non-verbally. This relationship is crucial for calling pitches and strategizing during the game.
  • Analyze and Learn from Mistakes: Review game tapes or work with a coach to understand any mistakes or areas for improvement. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Build Game Intelligence: Understanding hitters and game situations will make you a smarter pitcher. Study your opponents and recognize patterns to out-think them during the game.
  • Pitch to Your Strengths: While it’s crucial to vary your pitches, always have a “go-to” pitch that you can rely on in tough situations. Understand what works best for you and don’t be afraid to use it.
  • Develop a Game Plan: Know your opponents and develop a pitching strategy for each game. Having a game plan will give you confidence and a mental edge.
  • Understand the Rules: Know the rules of the game inside and out. Understanding illegal pitches and other regulations will keep you from making costly mistakes.
  • Adjust to Different Umpires: Recognize that different umpires may have different strike zones. Adapt to each umpire’s tendencies as quickly as possible during a game.
Pitch Perfect: 35 Softball Pitching Tips to Revolutionize Your Game (2)

Team Dynamics and Relationships:

  • Watch and Learn from Others: Analyze professional or high-level pitchers. Watching others and understanding their techniques can give you insights and ideas for your own development.
  • Build Team Chemistry: Foster strong relationships with your teammates. A cohesive team will work together more smoothly, and trust and camaraderie can boost everyone’s performance.
  • Seek Constant Feedback: Regular feedback from coaches, teammates, and even opponents can provide valuable insights. Be open to constructive criticism and be willing to adjust and improve.

Preparation and Routine:

  • Create a Pre-Game Routine: Having a pre-game routine can help in settling nerves and getting into the right mindset. Find what works best for you and stick to it.
  • Customize Your Training: Your training should align with your personal strengths and weaknesses. Don’t just follow a general routine; tailor your regimen to what you specifically need to work on.
  • Monitor Your Pitch Count: Especially for younger players, monitoring pitch count is vital to avoid overuse injuries. Understand your limits and communicate openly with your coaches.

Practice Makes Perfect

As you continue to strive for perfection in your softball pitching, the vital role of consistent and effective practice cannot be understated. Committing to 3 to 4 hours of targeted practice per week is not merely about repetition; it’s about focusing on the specific aspects that need honing. Whether it’s the windup, follow-through, or pinpointing the strike zone, these quality hours will bring you closer to your pitching goals. Additionally, distributing practice sessions three to four times a week can strike a harmonious balance between development and recovery. Mix in fundamental drills with game-like scenarios and strength training exercises to ensure a well-rounded routine. Remember, practicing smart is equally as important as practicing hard.

The journey to pitching perfection is a thoughtful process that requires patience, determination, and an understanding of the finer details. Setting realistic goals, monitoring progress, and enjoying the process will not only make you a better pitcher but also keep the love for the game alive. Keep your eye on the prize, and take each practice session as a stepping stone towards your ultimate pitching success.


The path to becoming an exceptional softball pitcher is a rewarding yet demanding journey. These pitching tips for softball are not just about enhancing your technical skills; they’re about embracing a comprehensive approach that involves physical conditioning, mental strength, and strategic intelligence. From perfecting your grip to maintaining your equipment, developing a game plan, and building team chemistry, each aspect plays a crucial role in defining your success on the mound. Your dedication to mastering these varied elements will not only elevate your game but also foster a deeper love and appreciation for the sport.

Beyond the mechanics and mental preparation, what sets exceptional pitchers apart is a continuous thirst for growth and learning. Embracing feedback, adopting innovative training methodologies, and applying real-world game intelligence will put you ahead of the curve. Investing time in analyzing your performance, learning from professionals, and personalizing your training regime can turn good pitchers into great ones. Remember, every pitch thrown with purpose translates into a skill honed, bringing you one step closer to mastery.

There are no shortcuts to excellence. By implementing these pitching tips for softball, continually seeking improvement, and valuing the joy of the game, you’re setting yourself on a path towards not just becoming a great pitcher but an ambassador for the sport. Stay committed, stay inspired, and most importantly, never stop enjoying the game. These principles transcend the softball field and resonate as life lessons, underscoring the profound impact sports can have on personal growth and character development. Happy pitching!

Pitch Perfect: 35 Softball Pitching Tips to Revolutionize Your Game (3)

Hunter Tierney

Hunter Tierney is a passionate writer, loving dad, and true sports fanatic. His experience helping his two daughters through softball, in addition to playing baseball at the collegiate level, gives him a fresh perspective on all things softball. He earned his business degree from the University of Phoenix where he also took writing and journalism courses.

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Softball pitching is a crucial aspect of the game, requiring a unique blend of power, precision, and strategy. To excel as a pitcher, it is important to focus on various aspects, including technical skills and mechanics, physical conditioning and health, mental and emotional aspects, game strategy and intelligence, team dynamics and relationships, and preparation and routine. By mastering these different concepts, you can elevate your game and become a more confident and effective pitcher.

Technical Skills and Mechanics:

  • Perfect Your Grip: Understand the various grips used for different pitches, such as the fastball, changeup, and curveball. Work with your coach to find the grip that's most comfortable and effective for you.
  • Focus on the Fundamentals: Master the essential mechanics of pitching, including windup, release, and follow-through. Regularly practicing the fundamentals will lay a strong foundation.
  • Use a Consistent Stride Length: Finding a consistent stride length will help you control your pitches better and improve your accuracy.
  • Emphasize Follow-Through: Proper follow-through is crucial to avoid unnecessary stress on your arm and shoulder.
  • Work on Different Pitches: Master different types of pitches to keep hitters guessing and avoid predictability.
  • Master Pitch Location: Work on pinpointing your pitches to different parts of the strike zone, as location can often be more important than sheer speed.
  • Work on Your Spin: Refine your wrist and finger actions to improve the spin on different pitches.
  • Use Video Analysis: Utilize video analysis to break down your mechanics and identify areas for improvement [[1]].

Physical Conditioning and Health:

  • Develop a Strong Core: Core strength is vital for a pitcher's power and stability. Include core exercises in your training routine to enhance your overall performance.
  • Warm Up Properly: Give yourself enough time to properly warm up before practices and games to prevent injuries and prepare your body for the physical demands of pitching.
  • Use Your Legs: Properly utilize your legs in your pitching mechanics, as they generate a lot of power in your pitch.
  • Involve Your Entire Body: Engage your hips and torso in your motion to add power and control to your pitches.
  • Invest Time in Conditioning: A well-rounded conditioning program that includes strength training, agility drills, and endurance exercises will contribute to your overall success on the mound.
  • Recover Properly: Incorporate stretching, icing, and proper nutrition into your post-game routine to help your body recover and stay healthy.
  • Prioritize Your Health: Regular check-ups, massages, or physiotherapy sessions can prevent minor issues from turning into major problems. Listen to your body and take proactive steps to maintain your physical health.
  • Maintain Your Equipment: Regularly check and maintain your equipment, including your glove and shoes, to positively impact your game [[1]].

Mental and Emotional Aspects:

  • Implement a Mental Routine: Develop a mental routine to help you focus and stay calm under pressure, which may include deep breathing, visualization, or repeating a personal mantra.
  • Stay Positive and Resilient: Cultivate a positive attitude and resilience to bounce back from tough outings. Always work on self-improvement and enjoy the process of learning and growing.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down your development into achievable goals to stay focused, motivated, and measure your progress effectively.
  • Avoid Overthinking: Trust your training and instincts, and try to maintain a clear and focused mind on the mound.
  • Manage Your Emotions: Work on emotional control techniques to stay composed in the heat of a game, even when things aren't going your way.
  • Embrace the Journey: Understand that becoming a great pitcher is a journey filled with ups and downs. Embrace the process, learn from each experience, and remember to enjoy the game [[1]].

Game Strategy and Intelligence:

  • Communicate with Your Catcher: Develop good communication with your catcher, both verbally and non-verbally, as this relationship is crucial for calling pitches and strategizing during the game.
  • Analyze and Learn from Mistakes: Review game tapes or work with a coach to understand any mistakes or areas for improvement. Embrace mistakes as learning opportunities.
  • Build Game Intelligence: Understand hitters and game situations to become a smarter pitcher. Study your opponents and recognize patterns to out-think them during the game.
  • Pitch to Your Strengths: Vary your pitches but always have a "go-to" pitch that you can rely on in tough situations. Understand what works best for you and don't be afraid to use it.
  • Develop a Game Plan: Know your opponents and develop a pitching strategy for each game. Having a game plan will give you confidence and a mental edge.
  • Understand the Rules: Know the rules of the game inside and out, including illegal pitches and other regulations, to avoid making costly mistakes.
  • Adjust to Different Umpires: Recognize that different umpires may have different strike zones. Adapt to each umpire's tendencies as quickly as possible during a game [[1]].

Team Dynamics and Relationships:

  • Watch and Learn from Others: Analyze professional or high-level pitchers to gain insights and ideas for your own development.
  • Build Team Chemistry: Foster strong relationships with your teammates, as a cohesive team will work together more smoothly. Trust and camaraderie can boost everyone's performance.
  • Seek Constant Feedback: Regular feedback from coaches, teammates, and even opponents can provide valuable insights. Be open to constructive criticism and be willing to adjust and improve [[1]].

Preparation and Routine:

  • Create a Pre-Game Routine: Establishing a pre-game routine can help settle nerves and get into the right mindset. Find what works best for you and stick to it.
  • Customize Your Training: Tailor your training to your personal strengths and weaknesses, rather than following a general routine. This will ensure a more targeted and effective regimen.
  • Monitor Your Pitch Count: Especially for younger players, monitoring pitch count is vital to avoid overuse injuries. Understand your limits and communicate openly with your coaches [[1]].

Practice Makes Perfect:

Consistent and effective practice is vital for improving your softball pitching skills. Committing to targeted practice sessions, focusing on specific aspects that need honing, and distributing practice sessions three to four times a week can strike a harmonious balance between development and recovery. Incorporate fundamental drills, game-like scenarios, and strength training exercises into your practice routine to ensure a well-rounded approach. Remember, practicing smart is equally as important as practicing hard [[1]].

In conclusion, becoming an exceptional softball pitcher requires a comprehensive approach that involves technical skills, physical conditioning, mental strength, game strategy, team dynamics, and preparation. By mastering these different concepts and continuously seeking improvement, you can elevate your game and become a better pitcher. Remember to enjoy the journey, embrace feedback, and stay committed to your goals. Happy pitching!

Pitch Perfect: 35 Softball Pitching Tips to Revolutionize Your Game (2024)


How do you do a perfect pitch in softball? ›

Shift your bodyweight forward as your swing to throw the ball.
  1. As your arm swings in front of your body, try to keep your shoulders as level and keep your head as still as possible. This will help you throw the ball faster and more accurately.
  2. Try to keep your body out of the way of your arm as you pitch.

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A former marine with a crew cut and a right arm noticeably more muscular than his left, Feigner threw hard. His fastest pitch was clocked at 104 miles an hour.

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Jennie was throwing from 66 – 68 MPH the day of the filming, but I think she tops out at about 71-72 MPH. When you measure the distance from the pitching rubber that she releases the ball, it is about 37 feet from home plate. 68 MPH from that distance is roughly 103 MPH to a baseball hitter.

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Long Toss Drill

Jennie uses long toss to work on generating power and speed (both overhand and underhand). Her usual drill is to start on the mound, throw a pitch, then take two steps back. Another pitch, two more steps back. Repeat until you get to second base.

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Average softball pitching speed by age
AgeAverage Pitching SpeedsHigh-end Averages
1138 – 42 MPH43 – 46 MPH
1241 – 48 MPH49 – 53 MPH
1345 – 53 MPH54 – 56 MPH
1446 – 54 MPH55 – 58 MPH
6 more rows

What is the easiest softball pitch? ›

A screwball is an easy and effective breaking pitch for softball newcomers to learn.

How fast did Ty Stofflet throw a softball? ›

Carl Solarek played for the Sunners from 1974-84 and caught Stofflet many times during those years. Stofflet's fastball was once clocked at 104.7 mph. “He was very easy to catch, even though he threw 100-plus miles an hour,” Solarek said. “He was always around the plate.

Who threw the fastest fastball in history? ›

Chapman currently has the record for the fastest recorded pitch speed in MLB history, at 105.1 miles per hour (169.1 km/h), as well as the Guinness World Record for fastest baseball pitch.

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At his peak, Mr. Feigner threw a softball harder than any major league pitcher has ever thrown a baseball. His underhand fastball was once timed at 104 mph -- or, according to some accounts, 114 mph. The fastest documented pitch ever thrown by a major league pitcher is 103 mph.

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By the Guinness world records, “The fastest recorded softball pitch is 77 mph (123.9 km/h), achieved by Monica Abbott (USA) on 16 June 2012 in a National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) game for the Chicago Bandits against the Carolina Diamonds in Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA.

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Some pitchers have velocity and some have spin, but she has both. Plus, she can locate her pitches really well. One moment, she'll touch north of 65 mph with her fastball, and the next she'll throw a 50 mph drop ball that Gasso says "just falls off the table."

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Named “The most famous softball player in history” by TIME Magazine, Jennie Finch had an incredible career to back up that title. Finch attended the University of Arizona where she led her team to a national championship all while recording a perfect 51 wins in a row and pitched 35 consecutive shutout innings.

How do you hit more power in slow pitch softball? ›

Throw the hands at the ball first so the bat head is the last thing to come into the strike zone. Aim at the bottom of the ball to increase backspin and distance. During the swing, the batter should shift his weight from the back foot to the front foot to add power.

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Softball Recruiting Standards
Velocity60+, 63+ top55+
ERA1.0 or less2.0

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The glutes and hamstrings are the powerhouse of any softball pitch. Strengthening the posterior chain through HEAVY movements not only enhances your daughter's overall power output but also helps reduce injury risk.

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Practice regularly: Regular practice is essential for developing perfect pitch. This can include singing scales or listening to different pitches and trying to identify them. You can also use a piano or keyboard to play different notes and see if you can name them without looking at the keys.

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Once they start getting the hang of it, softball players who are 10 years and younger can have an average throwing speed of 38 to 44 miles per hour. They can move up to 42 to 46 mph at 11 to 12 years old. The average throwing speed of 13- and 14 year-olds ranges from 46 to 50 mph.

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Fastest softball pitch (female) . By the Guinness world records, “The fastest recorded softball pitch is 77 mph (123.9 km/h), achieved by Monica Abbott (USA) on 16 June 2012 in a National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) game for the Chicago Bandits against the Carolina Diamonds in Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA.


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