Inner Circle Operations | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate sou... (2024)


Utilize the Grey Warden Treaties

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RequirementsThis operation appears once Blackwall is recruited.
Power Cost0
Time Required30 mins
Connections5 Iron

Details: Blackwall has in his possession Grey Warden treaties, which the Inquisition might be able to use to obtain the resources it needs to improve itself. Josephine can be put in charge of invoking the treaties in as diplomatic a way as possible.

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Conscript for the Inquisition

RequirementsBlackwall was recruited, Haven was destroyed.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Connections1 Round Pommel
Secrets1 Round Pommel
Forces1 Round Pommel

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Details: The appearance of an ancient darkspawn magister makes the Grey Warden treaties more relevant to the Inquisition. What you choose to obtain with the treaties is up to you. Cullen will use them to bolster Inquisition forces, Josephine uses them to ask for donations from noble allies, and Leliana will use them to gain information for the Inquisition.

The Consequences of Blackwall’s Lie

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RequirementsSaw Blackwall on the gallows in Val Royeaux, used the Grey Warden treaties before.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins

Details: Blackwall’s revelation has made some of your allies upset, as the “conscription” done by the Inquisition was based on a lie. Josephine believes reparations should be made—this will get the Inquisition nothing but may appease your allies. Cullen prefers a more practical approach; based on your actions at Adamant, the Wardens are now your allies, or banished from Southern Thedas and their assets seized by the Inquisition. Either way, the commander believes this entitles you to use the treaties with impunity. Allowing him to handle it will give the Inquisition more gold.

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Locate Rhys and Evangeline

RequirementsAvailable after talking to Cole about Rhys and Evangeline at Skyhold.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Connections30 Influence
Secrets30 Influence
Forces30 Influence

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Details: Cole’s friends Rhys and Evangeline were not present at the Conclave. Complete this operation to rescue them.

Deploy Rhys and Evangeline

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RequirementsComplete **Locate Rhys and Evangeline** .
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Secrets30 Spirit Essence
Forces30 Influence

Details: Once the rescue is complete, you can then deploy Rhys and Evangeline as Inquisition agents as you see fit. Cole will approve of your actions, and there is no wrong way to complete this short chain of operations.

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Aid those Impacted by the Civil War

Requirements**Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts** complete, some points in the Forces Perk tree.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Connections60 Influence
Secrets60 Influence
Forces60 Influence

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Details: The Imperial Army is prepared to aid the Inquisition but must first deal with demons within their own borders. Cullen suggests sending your own soldiers to fight demons. Josephine suggests petitioning the Chantry to provide shelter for civilians, while Leliana’s agents can divert travelers from dangerous areas. Choose Cullen as direct cooperation with the Imperial soldiers will encourage them to work with you again.

An Offer from the Imperial Army

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RequirementsCompleted **Aid those Impacted by the Civil War** with Cullen.
Power Cost0
Time Required15 mins
Forces30 Influence

Details: Chevalier Ducet remembers the Inquisition’s soldiers helping with the demons. He offers to assist your soldiers as they fight Red Templars in Val Foret. Only Cullen is available for this operation.

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Diverting Soldiers in the Frontbacks

RequirementsKeep in Crestwood claimed, many points in the Forces perk tree.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Connections1 Maker’s Bride Cameo
Forces60 Influence

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Details: Sister Paulette and a group of injured Inquisition soldiers are holding off Avvar in the Frostback Mountains. Word can be sent to soldiers near their location, however said soldiers are in pursuit of Red Templars with civilian captives. Cullen will opt to pursue the red templars and captives. The captives will be freed but Sister Pauline and the soldiers are lost. Pursuit through the Mountains becomes available. Josephine will opt for helping Sister Pauline and the injured soldiers. The sister and soldiers are saved, but the red templars’ trail is lost. Thanks from a Chantry Sister becomes available.

Pursuit Through the Mountains

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RequirementsComplete **Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks** with Cullen.
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Secrets1 Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, 120 Influence
Forces1 Masterwork Inscribed One-Handed Haft, 120 Influence

Details: Inquisition soldiers were able to uncover information on Red Templar movements. Cullen or Leliana can set up an attack. Either way, the attack is a success.

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Thanks From a Chantry Sister

RequirementsComplete **Diverting Soldiers in the Frostbacks** with Josephine.
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Forces60 Influence

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Details: Sister Pauline offers to assist the Inquisition as thanks for rescuing her from the Avvar. You may choose to accept the offer or release her from obligations. All choices result in some sort of reward.

The Iron Bull

Choose Successor in Lydes

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RequirementsRecruited the Iron Bull, and Bull remains a member of the Qunari in good standing.
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Secrets10 Spindleweed
Forces30 Influence

Details: In these operations, you have the chance to manipulate events in order to determine who becomes the next Duke of Lydes. There is no way to fail these operations. Simply eliminate one candidate in each operation. The victor will provide a token of their gratitude.

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Choose Successor in Lydes: Caralina

RequirementsComplete **Choose Successor in Lydes** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Secrets1 Ancestral Shield of Lydes

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Details: Provides Ancestral Shield of Lydes if made duch*ess.

Choose Successor in Lydes: Monette

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RequirementsComplete **Choose Successor in Lydes** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Forces1 Ancestral Blade of Lydes

Details: Provides Ancestral Blade of Lydes if made duch*ess.

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Choose Successor in Lydes: Jean-Gaspard de Lydes

RequirementsComplete **Choose Successor in Lydes** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections1 Ancestral Shield of Lydes
Secrets1 Ancestral Blade of Lydes

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Details: Provides Influence if made Duke.

The Iron Bull: Hunter Fell Operation Chain

Investigate Hunter Fell

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RequirementsRecruited the Iron Bull, player has been made Inquisitor, and Bull remains a member of the Qunari in good standing.
Power Cost0
Time Required15 mins

Details: You learn about possible Venatori agents in the Nevarran city of Hunter Fell.

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Continue Investigation

RequirementsComplete **Investigate Hunter Fell** .
Power Cost0
Time Required15 mins
Connections60 Influence
Secrets60 Influence
Forces60 Influence

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Details: Gain more clues about the secret Venatori agent.

Identify Venatori Agent

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RequirementsComplete **Continue Investigation** .
Power Cost0
Time Required1440 mins
Connections60 Influence
Secrets1 Elfsnake Vitaar, 100 Influence
Forces60 Influence

Details: Follow Leliana’s advice. She is, after all, your spymaster.

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The Iron Bull: Venatori Fire Ship Operation Chain

Failed Assassination Attempt Inquiry

RequirementsCompleted **Demands of the Qun** and gained an alliance with the Qunari. **Here Lies the Abyss** or **Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts** complete.
Power Cost0
Time Required15 mins
Connections1 Firm Pommel
Secrets1 Firm Pommel
Forces1 Firm Pommel

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Details: The best option here is to use Josephine. Any other choice will cause diplomatic incidents that will slow your team down.

Follow Venatori Assassins

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RequirementsComplete **Failed Assasination Attempt Inquiry** .
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Connections1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence
Secrets1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence
Forces1 Magister Fire Staff, 60 Influence

Details: Follow Leliana’s advice and send the Ben-Hassrath through the Brecilian forest. Note that if you have made two wrong choices, you may not even unlock the final operation in the chain.

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Stop Venatori Fire Ship

RequirementsComplete **Follow Venatori Assassins** .
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Connections1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence
Secrets1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence
Forces1 Templar Commander Armor, 60 Influence

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Details: Follow Cullen’s advice and use the Qunari fleet to stop the fire ship. Assuming you have chosen correctly, they will take down the Venatori before they can set fire to the city of Denerim.

The Iron Bull: Venatori Spymaster Operation Chain

Find Spies in Skyhold

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RequirementsCompleted **Stop Venatori Fire Ship** (successfully or not).
Power Cost0
Time Required15 mins
Secrets60 Influence
Forces60 Influence

Details: If you do not want to risk losing operatives, follow Cullen’s advice and have the spy tried and executed. This ends the operation chain. If you want to take the risk, work with Leliana to track the spy to start a series of operations.

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Track Spies in Val Royeaux

RequirementsComplete **Find Spies in Skyhold** .
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Secrets1 Heavy Orlesian Army Armor
Forces1 Heavy Orlesian Army Armor

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Details: Val Royeaux is noisy and crowded, and Tallis says that it’s the perfect time to move agents in. Go with Cullen to increase your strength here.

Track Spies in Val Chevin

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RequirementsComplete **Track Spies in Val Royeaux** .
Power Cost0
Time Required60 mins
Secrets1 Reinforced Bow
Forces1 Reinforced Bow

Details: Val Chevin is more quiet, so go with Leliana to avoid attracting too much attention.

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Track Spies in Nevarra

RequirementsComplete **Track Spies in Val Chevin** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Secrets1 Amulet of Power
Forces1 Amulet of Power

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Details: If you haven’t gotten enough Ben-Hassrath agents so far, Tallis will warn you that you don’t have enough agents. Nevertheless, Nevarra isn’t safe for large numbers, and if you go with Cullen, you risk blowing your cover and ending the operation chain. Go with Leliana to keep moving quietly.

Track Spies in Vyrantium

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RequirementsComplete **Track Spies in Nevarra** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections1 Masterwork Archon Staff
Secrets1 Masterwork Archon Staff
Forces1 Masterwork Archon Staff

Details: Tallis will warn you about problems here, letting you know if you don’t have enough Ben-Hassrath strength, or if the Venatori are on high alert because of your activities already. The safest thing to do in this operation is have Josephine lower the Venatori alertness level rather than moving any agents in.

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Destroy Venatori Spy Network

RequirementsComplete **Track Spies in Vyrantium** .
Power Cost0
Time Required1440 mins
Connections120 Influence
Secrets120 Influence
Forces120 Influence

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Details: Tallis will give you her final recommendation here, telling you whether it’s best to send in more agents or lower Venatori alertness. If she says that you have the numbers necessary to carry out your attack, then choose Josephine to avoid any risk of tipping off the Venatori. Otherwise, use Cullen or Leliana to send in agents. Good luck! If you succeed, you will have dealt a crippling blow to the Venatori spy network.

The Bull’s Chargers Operation Group

Investigate Redcliffe Castle

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RequirementsAvailable after Champions of the Just.
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Secrets60 Influence

Details: Choose Leliana to unlock the bonus operation, Deal with Venatori Ally.

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Deal with Venatori Ally

RequirementsComplete **Investigate Redcliffe Castle** with Josephine.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Connections30 Influence
Secrets30 Influence

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Investigate Therinfal Redoubt

RequirementsAvailable after **In Hushed Whispers** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Secrets3 Red Lyrium, 20 Influence
Forces30 Influence

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Details: Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Hunt Therinfal Redoubt Demon.

Hunt Therinfal Redoubt Demon

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RequirementsComplete **Investigate Therinfal Redoubt** with Leliana.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Connections3 Intense Spirit Essence, 30 Influence
Secrets3 Intense Spirit Essence, 30 Influence

Scout Haven Ruins

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RequirementsAvailable after **From The Ashes** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Forces30 Influence

Details: Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Locate Heretic Sister.

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Locate Heretic Sisters

RequirementsComplete **Scout Haven Ruins** with Josephine.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Connections30 Influence
Secrets30 Influence

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Destroy Adamant Fortress

RequirementsAvailable after **Here Lies the Abyss** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Connections60 Influence
Forces60 Influence

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Details: Choose Cullen to unlock the bonus operation, Claim Grey Warden Cache.

Claim Grey Warden Cache

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RequirementsComplete **Destroy Adamant Fortress** with Cullen.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Secrets1 Grey Warden Shield
Forces1 Grey Warden Shield

Meet Orlesian Mercenaries

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RequirementsAvailable after **Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins

Details: Choose Josephine to unlock the bonus operation, Press Orlesian Nobles.

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Press Orlesian Nobles

RequirementsComplete **Meet Orlesian Mercenaries** with Josephine.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins

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Inflate Inquisition Numbers

RequirementsAvailable after **What Pride Had Wrought** .
Power Cost0
Time Required240 mins
Secrets120 Influence
Forces120 Influence

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Details: Choose Leliana to unlock the bonus operation, Follow Venatori Map.

Follow Venatori Map

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RequirementsComplete **Inflate Inquisition Numbers** with Leliana.
Power Cost0
Time Required480 mins
Secrets1 Sentinel Staff
Forces1 Sentinel Staff


Strike a Bargain with Merchant Princes

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RequirementsCompleted **In Your Heart Shall Burn** .
Power Cost0
Time Required30 mins
Connections30 Influence

Details: The merchant-princes of Antiva claim they wish to aid the Inquisition with their access to trade routes and high-quality goods. Josephine has dealt with Antivan nobility all her life, so have her inspect this bargain for any pitfalls.

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Stop War between Nevarra und Tevinter

RequirementsCompleted **Strike a Bargain with Merchant Princes** .
Power Cost0
Time Required40 mins
Connections120 Influence

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Details: Tevinter and Nevarra are fighting over a contested piece of land along their border. Josephine is afraid it will escalate into full-scale war. Have her send diplomats to assist the Inquisition soldiers trying to make both sides see reason.

Inner Circle Operations | Gamer Guides: Your ultimate sou... (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.