HCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (2024)

While on the HCG Diet, these have been some of my favorite things to eat.

HCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (1)

I was extremely skeptical of this diet until my reproductive endocrinologist suggested I do it since nothing else had worked to allow me to ovulate in 9 years. I started ovulating immediately after doing the 40 days of Phase 2 and got pregnant within 2 months! Not to mention I lost tons of weight too! This diet also allowed me to lose the baby weight.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

HCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush

1 part water

1 part ice cubes

juice of half lemon

stevia to taste

Blend well in blender. Serve immediately.

Posted byKimberat8:38 PMHCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (2)

Labels:PHASE 2


HCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (3)


Does this count as a fruit or you could have this anytime??

November 6, 2016 at 11:42 AMHCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (4)

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HCG DIET Phase 2 (P2) RECIPE : Lemonade Slush (2024)


Can you have zucchini on HCG Phase 2? ›

Yes, that's right. It's cheap, it's really tasty & only 125 calories for the WHOLE skillet!!! You can eat the whole thing without feeling gu...

What are the long term effects of the HCG diet? ›

But these diets come with risks such as: Hardened buildups of digestive fluid called gallstones that can form in the gallbladder. Irregular heartbeat. A lack of vitamins and minerals.

What is the HCG diet Phase 2? ›

PHASE TWO: the phase of 500 calories.

The phase two of the HCG Diet Protocol last for 38 days. This phase requires that the HCG alongside with a diet that is 500 calories. A typical meal will be aprotein of 4 oz., fruits, vegetables and a little quantity of grain.

What vegetables can you eat on the HCG diet? ›

One five-ounce serving of lean protein like white fish, lean beef, egg white, or crab. Add vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, spinach, beets, radishes, celery, and cauliflower.

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Leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as nutrient-rich options like asparagus and broccoli, are excellent choices. Fruits: While fruits are limited on the HCG diet due to their natural sugars, small amounts of berries and apples can be included for a touch of sweetness and additional nutrients.

Can you eat lean ground beef on HCG Phase 2? ›

Lean Proteins

Specifically, you can eat beef like extra lean, grass-fed ground beef or buffalo, different lean cuts of chicken, and lean fish options like scallops, whitefish, and some shellfish including shrimp, lobster, and crab.

Is hCG hard on the kidneys? ›

High levels of hCG in choriocarcinoma can result in renal failure and a false-negative pregnancy test in men.

What organ does hCG affect? ›

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. It helps thicken a person's uterine lining to support a growing embryo and tells the body to stop menstruation. HCG levels rise after conception and continue to rise until about 10 weeks in pregnancy.

Why is hCG no longer available? ›

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission said over-the-counter weight loss products containing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) are fraudulent and illegal, and the agencies have told seven manufacturers to stop selling them. They have become a popular but fraudulent fad.

Can I have milk on HCG Phase 2? ›

Herbs and spices are calorie-free, so go ahead and use them to add flavor to a meal. The dieter can also drink as much coffee, tea, and water as they like. However, their daily intake should be limited to a tablespoon of milk per day. Their sugar intake should be zero.

How much weight can you lose on the HCG diet in 2 weeks? ›

Most hCG patients lose 1-2 lbs per day.

You may ensure your weight loss goals by increasing your vegetable intake. It is important to eat high-fiber foods, which will help you feel full. Drink water to aid in removing fat from the body. After about 6 weeks, the body becomes immune to the effects of hCG.

Can I drink broth on HCG Phase 2? ›

On phase II of the HCG Diet, you will want to let the broth completely cool in the fridge and then skim any fat off of the surface. The broth can be used as a soup base, as the liquid when cooking grains, a savory tea or beverage. Give it a try … it's delicious and nourishing on a cellular level.

How can I maximize my weight loss on HCG diet? ›

Plan and prepare your meals ahead of time – once you know your diet format, it's easier to plan and prepare your meals ahead of schedule. Based on your caloric needs, you should prep your meals the day before. The 500-calorie diet plan must be followed to the letter in order to achieve the desired results.

Can you eat pineapple on HCG diet? ›

Approved Food List for the HCG Diet. ANY veggie but NO starchy peas, corn, potatoes, or beans. Should take it easy with carrots and beets too. 2 (two) servings of ANY fruits but NO bananas, pineapple or grapes!!!

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A cup of zucchini will also fulfill 26% of your daily vitamin C needs, 10% of your daily potassium needs, 8% of your daily magnesium needs and 13% of your daily folate needs, per the FDA.

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Reduces blood sugar levels

Zucchini is low in carbohydrates. If a person uses zucchini as an alternative to high carbohydrate products, such as pasta, they will reduce their carbohydrate intake, which can help lower their blood sugar levels.

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A good source of vitamin B, especially folate, riboflavin and B6, zucchini can help to boost energy production in the body.

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Butter, oils, and sugar should be avoided, but you're encouraged to drink a lot of water. Mineral water, coffee, and tea are allowed as well. The hCG diet is usually divided into three phases. During the weight loss phase, you take hCG while eating only 500 calories per day.


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.