Cedar Point Wait Times, Park Hours, Best Days to Visit (2024)

What are wait times typically like at Cedar Point each day? The table below shows the recent average of wait times at Cedar Point, listed in 5 minute intervals.

How busy is Cedar Point? Typically, a higher park average wait time indicates higher crowds and a busier theme park. This graph shows the average wait time across Cedar Point as compared to the historical wait profile for the day of the week.

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This graph shows the current wait times at Cedar Point, the average wait times for the selected day, the average wait times for the selected week, or the average wait times for the selected month. Click the buttons to change the graph instantly.

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Daily Avg

Weekly Avg

Monthly Avg

This graph shows the wait time heat map for Cedar Point. This graph shows the posted wait times for each attraction at the park at different time intervals. Greener colors indicate shorter wait times; redder colors indicate longer wait times. Click the buttons to change the graph instantly to a different time interval.

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By 15 Minutes

By 5 Minutes

Late Night

  • What are Cedar Point wait times today? Is it packed?

    • Check out what the current, live Cedar Point queue times are.

  • How long are wait times at Cedar Point?

    • The average wait time at Cedar Point is 26 minutes. Week days are less busy than weekends

  • What is the busiest day to visit Cedar Point?

    • Saturday is the busiest day to visit Cedar Point with a 35 minute average wait time.

  • Where can I find a park map of Cedar Point?

    • A map of Cedar Point with wait times can be found at this link.

  • What is Fast Lane at Cedar Point?

    • Fast Lane is a way to pay to bypass the standard queue , reducing your wait time for eligible attractions. The price varies by day and has different tiers, including the more expensive Fast Lane Plus. Several rides offer a single use Fast Lane purchase.

  • What month is busiest at Cedar Point?

    • October during Halloweekends features the longest wait times, with an average wait time of 33 minutes.

  • What month is the least busy at Cedar Point?

    • September features the lowest wait times with an average wait time of 19 minutes, but the park is not open daily.

  • Is it Cedar Point, Ceader Point, Ceder Point?

    • It is Cedar Point and not CedarPoint or Ceder Point

  • What are the Cedar Point rides?

    • The park is home to over 100 rides, including roller coasters, thrill rides, family rides, and kiddie rides. It features 17 roller coasters now with the addition of Top Thrill 2 in 2024. Non-roller coaster thrill rides rides include MaxAir, Skyhawk, & Power Tower.

  • What is the busiest day to visit Cedar Point?

    • The busiest day to visit Cedar Point is Saturday with a 36 minute average wait time. The least busy day is Thursday with a 22 minute average wait time.

  • What is the source of the Cedar Point wait times?

    • Wait times are pulled directly from the official Cedar Point app. Typically, the app does not show you wait times unless you are at the park. However, here at Thrill Data, you can view live Cedar Point wait times without being at the park.

  • How much are Cedar Point tickets?

    • A 2024 Cedar Point any day admissions ticket is $49.99 when purchased online. At the gate, the same single day ticket is $85.00.

  • How much is parking at Cedar Point?

    • Parking at Cedar Point is $30.00 per vehicle.

  • Does Cedar Point offer all day dining?

    • Yes, Cedar Point offers an All Day Dining Plan and All Day Dining Premium. Prices for the 2024 season have not been set.

  • What is the address of Cedar Point?

    • 1 Cedar Point Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870

  • What is the closest hotel to Cedar Point?

    • Hotel Breakers is located on-site to Cedar Point and is the closest hotel.

Cedar Point Wait Times, Park Hours, Best Days to Visit (2024)


What is the least crowded day at Cedar Point? ›

Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) are historically least crowded during the summer season in June, July, and August. Weekends attract more tourists and vacationers. Learn more. The Halloween event tends to be more manageable earlier in the season, especially in September.

What is the best day of the week for Cedar Point? ›

If you want light crowds, a good time to visit is on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during opening week in late May through the first week of June.

How long are the waits at Cedar Point? ›

Cedar Point Typical Wait Times
7:45 PM24 minutes
7:50 PM23 minutes
7:55 PM23 minutes
8:00 PM23 minutes
153 more rows

Why is Top Thrill 2 closed? ›

Top Thrill 2 is currently experiencing an extended closure as Zamperla (the ride's manufacturer) completes a mechanical modification to the ride's vehicles.

What is the maximum capacity for Cedar Point per day? ›

Total capacity is about 55,000 guests, according to park officials. Cedar Point generally didn't come close to its attendance limits early in the season, with crowds at about 15-20% of capacity, according to park officials.

What happens if it rains all day at Cedar Point? ›

There is a lot of steel at Cedar Point, and water and steel coasters just don't mix. If the rain is light, than most of the rides will usually stay open, but a steady rain will keep many of the rides closed. The covered rides and shows stay open, but many of the rides do temporarily close during the rain.

What is the best month to go to Cedar Point? ›

September – October

In September, the park is only open on weekends and Sundays are the least crowded days.

Is one day enough at Cedar Point? ›

Even the drive INTO the park. I am glad I had the opportunity to explore this behemoth without my kids first because it really takes an entire day to learn the layout of the park. You will need a minimum of 2 days here and then you will want to stay 2 more days.

Is it cheaper to buy Cedar Point tickets online? ›

1. Purchase in advance online. If you buy a single-day admission on Cedar Point's website, you can instantly save a bundle: Online, one-day passes cost about $50 — considerably better than the $80 you would pay as a walk-up.

Can you wear a fanny pack at Cedar Point? ›

However, you can have a waist pack that isn't bulky, allowing the ride restraint to be snug against your body. Most rides also won't accommodate loose articles such as cameras, hats, phones, umbrellas, and electronic devices.

What is the longest ride at Cedar Point? ›

Steel Vengeance opened as an unmatched world-record breaker with some serious stats: 205 feet tall, 74 miles per hour, longest hybrid coaster in the world at 5,740 feet and almost 30 seconds of airtime - the most airtime on ANY roller coaster in the world - along with twists, turns and close calls during the 2 minute, ...

Was Top Thrill Dragster torn down? ›

Cedar Point retires Top Thrill Dragster coaster after 19 years — and many problems. The Top Thrill Dragster, which at one time was the fastest and tallest roller coaster in the world, is being scrapped — in its current form, anyway.

Is Cedar Point retiring Top Thrill Dragster? ›

"After 19 seasons in operation with 18 million riders experiencing the world's first strata coaster, Top Thrill Dragster, as you know it, is being retired," the tweet said. "However, Cedar Point's legacy of ride innovation continues. Our team is hard at work, creating a new and reimagined ride experience.

What is the number one roller coaster at Cedar Point? ›

Steel Vengeance

Not only do we consider this the best coaster at Cedar Point, but we also consider it to be among the best hybrid wooden and steel coasters anywhere. Some enthusiasts even proclaim Steel Vengeance to be the single best roller coaster in the world, period.


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.