Cedar Point Crowd Calendar (2024)

Crowd Calendar Notes

UPDATE: Reservations no longer required. Check out the Live Crowd Tracker for real-time updates.

150th Anniversary Summer Celebration
June 26 – August 15

Summer Season
Weekdays (Monday-Thursday) are historically least crowded during the summer season in June, July, and August. Weekends attract more tourists and vacationers. Learn more.

The Halloween event tends to be more manageable earlier in the season, especially in September. Sundays and Fridays are least crowded, while Saturdays attract bigger crowds and longer lines.

Cedar Point Crowd Calendar (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.