18 Must-Try Chinese Pork Belly Recipes | The Woks of Life (2024)

In case you’ve been living under a rock, we’re here to tell you that pork belly is a wonderful cut of meat, and we have 18 must-try Chinese pork belly recipes to prove it! Pork belly is amazingly versatile, uber-flavorful, braises like nobody’s business, and is a key ingredient in many of our family’s perennial Chinese recipes.

It’s an ingredient that just tastes like home cooking, and the rich pork fat goodness has made it a staple for many Chinese holidays, like Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival (zhong qiu jie). Just a handful of years ago, pork belly wasn’t so highly regarded, but it’s become far more popular recently. Unfortunately, that means that grocery store prices have been hiked up a bit.

But that’s the price you pay for enlightenment, I suppose…

18 Must-Try Chinese Pork Belly Recipes | The Woks of Life (1)

Pork belly may seem a bit intimidating or off-putting if you’ve never cooked it at home, but dig for a piece that has a high meat-to-fat ratio, and we’ll break down the rest for you with our favorite Chinese pork belly recipes.

Braised Pork Belly Dong Po Rou

This braised pork belly recipe, or dong po rouin Chinese, is a beautiful, traditional, and incredibly easy dish to make. All you need is 7 ingredients! The results are stunningly tender, silky hunks of pork that people will fight you for.

Cantonese Roast Pork Belly – A Chinatown Classic

Cantonese Roast Pork Belly, or siu yuk, can be found hanging in many Chinatown restaurant windows, but if you don’t live near a Chinatown, you can make this crispy pork belly recipe at home with our easy-to-follow recipe. There are just a few key secrets you need to know…

Shanghai-Style Braised Pork Belly (Hong Shao Rou)

Shanghai-Style Braised Pork Belly (hong shao rou, 红烧肉) is one of the most famous Chinese pork belly recipes out there. Any person who ever cracked open a beginner Mandarin textbook knows this.

Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork Belly

Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork Belly is similar to Shanghai Style Braised Pork Belly, but it has more spice from aromatics and dried chilies!

Cantonese-Style Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot

Cantonese Style Braised Pork Belly with Arrowroot (慈菇焖腩肉) is a traditional dish often served at Chinese New Year. While the recipe is impressive looking, it only takes 8 ingredients!

Mei Cai Kou Rou (Steamed Pork Belly w/ Preserved Mustard Greens)

Mei Cai Kou Rou is a recipe for braised, steamed pork belly with preserved mustard greens. This one is high on the list of Chinese comfort foods, to the point that you can find this at one of our favorite “fast food” restaurants in China.

Chinese Cured Pork Belly (Cantonese Lap yuk)

This Chinese cured pork belly recipe is truly a family treasure. It is really one of the greats in our repertoire of Chinese pork belly recipes.

Bill’s mother and grandmother have been making it for decades, and there’s always some in the freezer at both our apartment and my parents’ house, where it’s ready to be added to the rice cooker for a quick and delicious dinner. It’s surprisingly simple to make this cured pork belly la rou(Mandarin) or lap yuk(Cantonese) at home!

Sichuan Three Pepper Pork Belly Stir-fry

Sichuan Three Pepper Pork Belly Stir-fry uses crispy chunks of pork belly with three peppers – dried red peppers, Sichuan peppercorn, and long green peppers. You may be familiar with the version that uses chicken, often served in Sichuan restaurants, but we decided to go hog wild and use pork belly. See what we did there?

Steamed Pork with Rice Powder (Fen Zheng Rou)

This Steamed Pork with Rice Powder, or fen zheng rouis a special occasion kind of dish in China, as without modern kitchen conveniences, it’s quite time and labor intensive! Our version involves pork belly, of course, and lots of spices!

Twice Cooked Pork Belly – Restaurant Style

Twice Cooked Pork, or hui guo rou (回鍋肉), is a Sichuan dish of spicy seared pork belly. This Chinese classic recipe is way too famous to ignore and too delicious not to share.

Shanghai Style Pork Zongzi (Sticky Rice Dumplings)

The heart of any great savory zongzi is a fall-apart tender nugget of pork belly. This Shanghai Style Pork Zongzi has plenty of soy sauce flavored pork belly at the center.

Zongzi Cantonese Style Rice Dumplings

Ditto above, except these Cantonese Style Zongzi are more mild flavored, with the addition of salted egg yolks and Chinese sausage or lap cheung

Homemade Chinese Salted Pork (腌咸肉)

For the real devotees, this Homemade Chinese Salted Pork opens up a world of other Chinese pork belly recipes. With some careful preparation, you can enjoy large batches of your own salted pork, free of chemical preservatives!

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to use the salted pork you just made with the previous recipe, this braised daikon is a tasty and satisfying one pot meal.

Lu Rou Fan (Taiwanese Braised Pork Rice Bowl)

We couldn’t leave you without just one more recipe of soy sauce braised pork belly goodness. This Taiwanese version is super rich, complemented by Shiitake mushrooms and hard boiled eggs, because enough isn’t ever quite enough, right?

Bian Dou Men Mian (Steamed Noodles and Green Beans)

This humble and perhaps odd-sounding noodle dish is made truly special with the addition of pork belly, which flavors the sauce. We bet you you can’t have just one bite…

Chinese Cabbage Stir Fry

While this dish is simple, it’s the essence of Chinese home cooking. When we lived in Beijing, we noticed that almost every table at any given restaurant ordered this dish and for good reason! It’s simple, tasty, and satisfying. Just add rice and you have simple weeknight dinner!

Braised Glass Noodles with Pork and Napa Cabbage

This combination of glass noodles, pork, mushrooms, and napa cabbage makes for a great one pot meal. If there’s anything you can conclude from this list of pork belly recipes, it’s that in many cases with Chinese recipes, whynot add pork belly?

Enjoy these Chinese pork belly recipes folks!

18 Must-Try Chinese Pork Belly Recipes | The Woks of Life (2024)


Is Chinese pork belly healthy? ›

Because pork belly consists mostly of fat, this serving size packs up to 585 calories, 60 grams of total fat, and 22 grams of saturated fat ( 1 ). However, it's also an excellent source of B vitamins, as well as a source of other important nutrients such as vitamin E, zinc, iron, and copper ( 1 ).

How long should you braise a pork belly? ›

Belly should be about ¾ of the way submerged. Add more chicken stock, if needed. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat then lower to a simmer. Cover and cook for 2 – 2¼ hours or until very tender, stirring every 10-15 minutes to keep the bottom from burning.

Why pour boiling water on pork belly? ›

Pour a cup or more of boiling water over the skin. This will shrink the rind, allowing the incisions to open and enabling the heat, salt, and oil to penetrate deeper. Try to only pour the boiling water over the rind and not over any exposed meat on the roast, as this will dry the pork out.

Why put baking soda on pork belly? ›

It is a fact of life that dry skin crisps better than moist skin. Scotese's trick to crispy pork belly is to rub equal parts baking soda and salt into the skin—the combo of baking soda and salt will draw out moisture and set you up for success.

Is pork belly as unhealthy as bacon? ›

Is pork belly healthier than bacon? Bacon contains smoke flavor, preservatives (like nitrates), and added ingredients that may not be considered part of a healthy diet. If you're trying to eat more naturally, pork belly may make a better choice.

Are you supposed to eat the skin on pork belly? ›

Whether you remove the skin or not is a personal choice and there is a ton of debate about when and why to remove the skin. We leave the skin on most of the time, like when we are making bacon, and then remove it after the smoking process is finished. The skin can get very tough when cooking pork belly.

Why eat raw garlic with pork belly? ›

It's simply topped on the thinly sliced pork belly meat as a dressing. Raw garlic is a popular companion to rich meat dishes in Chinese cuisine. As the folk saying goes, eating meat without garlic will lose half the flavor.

Is it better to cook pork belly fast or slow? ›

The secret to cooking pork belly is the combination of a gentle heat to tenderise the meat and short, high temperature blasts to crisp up the skin on the outside. Typically, recipes call for around 2 hrs at 180C/160C fan/gas 4, then a further 30 mins or so at 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

Do you rinse pork belly before cooking? ›

Washing beef, pork, lamb, or veal before cooking it is not recommended. Bacteria in raw meat and poultry juices can be spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces. We call this cross-contamination. Some consumers think they are removing bacteria and making their meat or poultry safe.

What's the difference between pork belly and pork stomach? ›

Pork belly isn't the stomach. Pork belly is the slab of meat from the underside or belly of the pig. It might not sound very appealing, but trust me, it's sooooo good! Here's what raw pork belly looks like.

Why won t my pork belly get crispy? ›

The skin wasn't dry enough. Make sure to pat the pork completely dry before rubbing in the salt and oil as excess moisture will stop it from crisping up. It's important to score the skin if you want it really crisp. You'll need a sharp knife for this, or ask your butcher to do it for you.

Does pork belly get more tender the more you cook it? ›

If you roast for a total of 3 – 4 hours, you will get a “fall-a part tender”, pulled pork-type result.

Why is my braised pork belly not tender? ›

If your pork belly is tough after braising, it meant that either the pork belly needs to be braised longer or it was cooked at too high heat. Try to braise the pork belly at a medium simmer. Also, you can try braising the pork belly in beer. It'll tenderize the pork belly and also get rid of porky flavor.

Do I need to boil pork before frying? ›

No, you do not. A pork chop can be safely cooked by only frying it. That doesn't mean that if you fry a pork chop it's guaranteed to be safe. You can use a meat thermometer to see if the inside has reached 63 (or whatever recommend temperature you're aiming for), and don't take it out of the pan until it does.

Why do people boil meat before frying? ›

It really does speed up the overall cooking process because you can boil larger volumes than you can grill or fry. But you lose the depth of flavor you get from other cooking methods. I think it's a popular process when preparing a large quantity of food for a large group.

Why do you blanch pork belly? ›

By blanching the pork belly for 30 minutes before pan frying and pan-frying the pork belly without cooking oil, we can get rid of extra oil from the meat and make the meat extra tender.

Why do you parboil pork? ›

Parboiling removes the distinctive smell of daikon and helps it absorb flavor; parboiling pork not only eliminates its gamy smell, but extracts aku and excess fat as well.


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